R&D Systems位于美国的明尼苏达州,一直致力于生物制品的开发与生产。公司成立之初主要生产用于医院及临床应用的血控品。1977年,公司推出个产品--富血小板血浆质控品;1981年,公司成为全球第二家生产含血小板全血控品的供应商。40多年的发展中,R&D Systems仍持续开发各种血控品产品。
1985年,作为公司推出的个科研试剂产品,也是全球家将该产品进行商业化生产的产品,R&D Systems成功上市了TGF-beta1蛋白。作为胞外信号分子,TGF-beta1蛋白在多种细胞中进行表达,并作为胞外信号分子参与免疫功能,细胞增殖和细胞分化等生物学过程。该产品推出后,公司陆续从生物材料中纯化了几种细胞因子产品并推向市场。
天然蛋白类产品的成功推广,加速了R&D Systems在细胞因子市场的开拓。公司于1985年形成Growth Factor事业部(现Biotechnology事业部)。Biotechnology事业部的目标是生产和营销重组人细胞因子。与天然来源提取蛋白相比较,DNA重组技术生产的蛋白产品其成本更低,产量更高,完全摆脱原料的限制。1989年,Biotechnology事业部开始开发抗细胞因子的单克隆和多克隆抗体,并于1990年开发了个意甲联赛在线直播免费
2014年2月1009日,R&D Systems的母公司宣布命名为Bio-Techne. Bio-Techne旗下包括R&D Systems, Novus Biologicals, BiosPacific, Tocris Bioscience, Boston Biochem和Bionostics。
MEA003 Mosaic ELISA Human Th1/Th2 Panel (1 KT)
MEA004 Mosaic ELISA Human Inflammation Panel 1 (1 KT)
MEA005 Mosaic ELISA Human Growth Factor Panel 1 (1 KT)
MEA006 Mosaic ELISA Human MMP Panel (1 KT)
MEA007 Mosaic ELISA Human Cardiac Panel 1 (1 KT)
MEG00 Mouse EGF Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MEP00B Mouse Erythropoietin Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MES00 Mouse sE-Selectin/CD62E Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MF2100 Mouse FGF-21 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MFGE80 Mouse MFG-E8 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MFK00 Mouse Flt-3 Ligand Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MFL00 Mouse Fas Ligand/TNFSF6 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MG100 Mouse/Rat IGF-I Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MGAS60 Mouse Gas6 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MGB300 Mouse IGFBP-3 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MGM00 Mouse GM-CSF Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MHD00 Mouse/Rat PDGF-AB Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MHG00 Mouse/Rat HGF Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MIC100 Mouse ICAM-1/CD54 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MIDR002-020 Proteome Purify 2 Mouse Serum Protein Immunodepletion Resin (20 TESTS)
MIDR002-040 Proteome Purify 2 Mouse Serum Protein Immunodepletion Resin (40 TESTS)
MIF00 Mouse IFN-gamma Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MJE00 Mouse CCL2/JE/MCP-1 Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MKC00B Mouse CXCL1/KC Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MKK100 Mouse Dkk-1 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MKM100 Mouse TIM-1/KIM-1/HAVCR Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MLA00 Mouse IL-1 alpha/IL-1F1 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MLB00C Mouse IL-1 beta/IL-1F2 Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MLCN20 Mouse Lipocalin-2/NGAL Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MLDLR0 Mouse LDL R Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MLDP1 Mouse CD3 MAb (Clone 17A2) (1 VL)
MLDP2 Mouse CD4 MAb (Clone GK1.5) (1 VL)
MLDP3 Mouse CD5 MAb (Clone 53-7.3) (1 VL)
MLDP4 Mouse CD8 alpha MAb (Clone 53-6.7) (1 VL)
MLDP5 Mouse Integrin alpha M/CD11b MAb (Clone M1/70) (1 VL)
MLDP6 Mouse Gr-1/Ly-6G MAb (Clone RB6-8C5) (1 VL)
MLDP7 Mouse B220/CD45R MAb (Clone RA3-6B2) (1 VL)
MLDP8 Mouse TER-119 Erythroid Antigen MAb (Clone TER-119) (1 VL)
MLF00 Mouse LIF Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MLS00 Mouse sL-Selectin/CD62L Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MLX10 Mouse LOX-1/OLR1 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MM200 Mouse CXCL2/MIP-2 Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MMA00 Mouse CCL3/MIP-1 alpha Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MMB00 Mouse CCL4/MIP-1 beta Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MMC00 Mouse M-CSF Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MME00 Mouse CCL11/Eotaxin Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MMP300 Mouse Total MMP-3 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MMP900B Mouse Pro-MMP-9 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MMPT90 Mouse Total MMP-9 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MMR00 Mouse CCL5/RANTES Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MMV00 Mouse VEGF Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MNDG00 Mouse Endoglin/CD105 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MOB00 Mouse Leptin Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MOP00 Mouse Osteoprotegerin/TNFRSF11B Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MOSF20 Mouse OSF-2/Periostin Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MOST00 Mouse Osteopontin (OPN) Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MP200 Mouse PlGF-2 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MP400 Mouse IL-12/IL-23 p40 NonAllele-specific Quantikine ELISA Kt (1 KT)
MPC900 Mouse Proprotein Convertase 9/PCSK9 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MPS00 Mouse sP-Selectin/CD62P Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MPTX20 Mouse Pentraxin 2/SAP Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MPTX30 Mouse Pentraxin 3/TSG-14 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MRA00 Mouse IL-1ra/IL-1F3 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MRBP40 Mouse RBP4 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MRGMA0 Mouse/Rat RGM-A Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MRP300 Mouse Adiponectin/Acrp30 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MRSN00 Mouse Resistin Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MRT10 Mouse/Rat TNF RI/TNFRSF1A Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MRT20 Mouse sTNF RII/TNFRSF1B Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MSCTC0 Mouse/Rat Cystatin C Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MSHH00 Mouse Sonic Hedgehog/Shh N-Terminus Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MSST00 Mouse/Rat SOST Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MST200 Mouse ST2/IL-1 R4 Quantikine ELISA Kit (1 KT)
MTA00B Mouse TNF-alpha Quantikine ELISA Kit, 2 Plate (1 KT)
MTCC-10 Mouse CD3+ T Cell Enrichment Column, Small, Pack of 10 (1 KT)
MTCC-2000 Mouse CD3+ T Cell Enrichment Column, Large (1 CL)
MTCC-25 Mouse CD3+ T Cell Enrichment Column, Small, Pack of 25 (1 KT)
MTCC-5 Mouse CD3+ T Cell Enrichment Column, Small, Pack of 5 (1 KT)
MTCC-500 Mouse CD3+ T Cell Enrichment Column, Mini, Pack of 10 (1 KT)
MTCC-525 Mouse CD3+ T Cell Enrichment Column, Mini, Pack of 25 (1 KT)
Mouse Erythropoietin Quantikine ELISA Kit